Competitive Analysis for JustAnswer


  • Key Objectives.

    From their company profile, “JustAnswer ( is the world’s leading expert marketplace, connecting more than 16 million people worldwide with doctors, lawyers, and more. We are revolutionizing professional services by making fast, affordable expert help accessible to people everywhere.”

  • Overall Strategy.

    Listed on their website, users see that JustAnswer verifies over 12,000 experts through their license and credential checking process in addition to user ratings, which presented users the confidence to use their list of experts. Another competitive advantage is that not only users can find experts from the most popular industries, but they can get in touch with an expert 24/7, saving them valuable time when they need answers.

    The company uses AI to first engage with the users through a “live” chat assistant so that the system route the chats to the appropriate expert.

    JustAnswer also invests in PR for they have been featured on Inc., Forbes, POPSUGAR, etc., just to name to few.

  • Marketing Advantages.

    By doing a quick Google search “get online expert help,” JustAnswer’s ad shows up on the top with 4.9 stars and thousands of Google reviews. Since search engine is usually the first place potential users will start, they invest considerably in online adverting to promote their services. With a quick look through the search results, most websites offer very specific expert help like tutors. JustAnswers distinguishes themselves by offering a multitude of services.

    JustAnswer also has a referral / partner program for websites whose audience can use their service. Businesses can install the widget on their websites with JustAnswers chat screens. In exchange, they earn commission when users make a transaction.

  • Marketing Profile

    JustAnswers has a 4.0 stars on the App Store with over 8,500 reviews and 4.3 stars on Google Play with over 1,000 reviews.

    Although JustAnswers shows up in search engine because of their ad placements. When a user types in a specific question that they hope to find an answer, JustAnswers will place an ad on top to promote their services. This appears to be their top marketing strategy to acquiring new subscribers.

    On the other hand, their website does not show up organically, which means they can improve on their SEO. For business to grow and compete with competitions, it’s important that users and customers can find them organically online.